Roasted Chicken, New Potato & Corn salad

Serving Time icon
Portions : 4
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Total Time : 25 mins


  • 340g can Green Giant Sweet Corn, drained
  • 500g new potatoes, halved, depending on size
  • 1 ready roasted chicken about 900g (net wt 400g)
  • Bag salad leaves with shredded beetroot
Yogurt Dressing:
  • 150ml low fat plain yogurt
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped parsley
  • 2 heaped tsp roughly chopped tarragon leaves
  • Medium Saucepan

Tarragon and chicken are a flavour match made in heaven! Enjoy them together in this delicious salad.


  1. Boil or steam the potatoes for 15-20 minutes until tender, cool quickly in cold water, then drain. Peel if preferred then cut into thick slices.
  2. Meanwhile remove the meat from the bones of the chicken, discarding the skin and fatty bits then tear or cut into bite-size pieces. Put into a large serving bowl with the drained sweet corn, potatoes.
  3. Mix the dressing pour over the salad and toss together serve over a bed of the salad leaves with shredded beetroot.


  • For extra crunch add chopped celery or diced red pepper to this salad.